Hello! My name is Paige Butler and I created this blog to make connections with other people out there just like me. I have so many interests and always look at Pinterest or other blogs for new tips, tricks, or ideas. I love learning more about lifestyle and self-care. I have a genuine interest in becoming the best version of myself!
I am from a very small town and come from a small family. My family, friends, and furbabies are the most important things in my life. I have a Master’s in Education and work as an elementary teacher currently. This blog is a way to explore my passions and act as a creative outlet. Throughout my life, I have looked for tips for better health, as I have struggled with anxiety and healthy eating. I have always just wanted tips to further myself and better my happiness and health.
This blog explores a collection of topics, hence the name of the blog :), including health, beauty, style, self-care, religion, pets, and cooking. I hope that you can learn something new and enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy creating it!